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Results for ZC443.6

Gene ID Gene Name Reads Transcripts Annotation
ZC443.6 ugt-16 750 ZC443.6 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_506210]

Genes with expression patterns similar to ZC443.6

Nr. Gene ID Gene Name Reads Σ scores herm1 herm2 herm3 herm4 male1 male2 male3 male4 Annotation
1. ZC443.6 ugt-16 750 5 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 - 1.000 - - UDP-glucuronosyltransferase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_506210]
2. K01D12.11 cdr-4 16894 4.499 0.789 0.981 0.799 0.981 - 0.949 - - CaDmium Responsive [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_506110]
3. M88.1 ugt-62 6179 4.026 0.647 0.973 0.550 0.973 - 0.883 - - UDP-glucuronosyltransferase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_497918]
4. F49F1.7 F49F1.7 1195 3.563 0.832 0.981 0.769 0.981 - - - -
5. R08F11.3 cyp-33C8 2317 3.545 0.532 0.987 0.823 0.987 - 0.216 - - CYtochrome P450 family [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504051]
6. T16D1.2 pho-4 2028 3.22 0.585 0.956 0.667 0.956 - 0.056 - - intestinal acid PHOsphatase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494984]
7. C49G7.8 cyp-35A4 1038 2.633 - 0.956 0.460 0.956 - 0.261 - - CYtochrome P450 family [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504124]
8. K10D11.6 K10D11.6 108 2.624 0.724 0.950 - 0.950 - - - -
9. D1053.1 gst-42 3280 2.445 0.779 0.195 0.325 0.195 - 0.951 - - Probable maleylacetoacetate isomerase [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q18938]
10. K08D10.10 K08D10.10 398 2.432 0.494 0.951 - 0.951 - 0.036 - -
11. K09D9.2 cyp-35A3 3155 2.247 - 0.956 - 0.956 - 0.335 - - CYtochrome P450 family [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504121]
12. F53B2.8 F53B2.8 1057 2.22 0.154 0.976 - 0.976 - 0.114 - -
13. T19D12.4 T19D12.4 3355 1.968 - 0.984 - 0.984 - - - -
14. W02G9.4 W02G9.4 1717 1.956 - 0.978 - 0.978 - - - -
15. B0024.4 B0024.4 752 1.954 - 0.977 - 0.977 - - - -
16. H43E16.1 H43E16.1 1231 1.95 - 0.975 - 0.975 - - - -
17. AC3.7 ugt-1 557 1.93 - 0.965 - 0.965 - - - - UDP-GlucuronosylTransferase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_505671]
18. F32B5.7 F32B5.7 665 1.918 0.553 - 0.403 - - 0.962 - -
19. Y47H10A.5 Y47H10A.5 647 1.918 - 0.959 - 0.959 - - - -
20. ZK54.3 ZK54.3 0 1.906 0.761 - 0.189 - - 0.956 - -
21. C49C3.9 C49C3.9 369 1.902 - 0.951 - 0.951 - - - -
22. Y53F4B.24 Y53F4B.24 754 1.883 0.649 - 0.284 - - 0.950 - -
23. F31F6.6 nac-1 2617 1.868 0.616 0.008 0.285 0.008 - 0.951 - - Sodium-dependent low-affinity dicarboxylate transporter 1 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q93655]
24. F18E3.13 F18E3.13 8001 1.811 0.470 0.018 0.351 0.018 - 0.954 - -
25. K09H11.4 K09H11.4 0 1.797 0.608 - 0.225 - - 0.964 - -
26. F21C10.10 F21C10.10 4983 1.712 0.499 0.032 0.190 0.032 - 0.959 - -
27. F41H10.8 elo-6 18725 1.679 0.498 0.043 0.126 0.043 - 0.969 - - Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 6 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q20303]
28. F23H11.2 F23H11.2 398 1.593 0.513 -0.103 0.325 -0.103 - 0.961 - - TATA box-binding protein-associated factor RNA polymerase I subunit B [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:O01914]
29. W05H9.2 W05H9.2 790 1.521 0.567 -0.130 0.255 -0.130 - 0.959 - -
30. F17C11.2 F17C11.2 5085 1.499 0.372 -0.037 0.249 -0.037 - 0.952 - -
31. F44D12.2 F44D12.2 2581 1.469 - 0.256 - 0.256 - 0.957 - -
32. Y38E10A.26 nspe-2 3419 1.429 0.551 - -0.083 - - 0.961 - - Nematode Specific Peptide family, group E [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001022426]
33. K12B6.1 sago-1 4325 1.409 0.472 -0.055 0.095 -0.055 - 0.952 - - Piwi-like protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504610]
34. R07B7.12 R07B7.12 0 1.368 0.297 - 0.119 - - 0.952 - - UPF0392 protein R07B7.12 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q21802]
35. Y38E10A.13 nspe-1 5792 1.328 0.371 - - - - 0.957 - - Nematode Specific Peptide family, group E [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_496696]
36. C53B4.4 C53B4.4 8326 1.303 0.586 -0.130 - -0.130 - 0.977 - -
37. VB0393L.2 VB0393L.2 2973 1.209 0.251 - - - - 0.958 - -
38. F08F3.7 cyp-14A5 2751 0.959 - - - - - 0.959 - - CYtochrome P450 family [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504435]
39. C33G8.3 drd-10 7716 0.955 - - - - - 0.955 - - dietary restriction down regulated [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504774]
40. F58A6.2 F58A6.2 0 0.955 - - - - - 0.955 - -
41. C36A4.1 cyp-25A1 1189 0.954 - - - - - 0.954 - - CYtochrome P450 family [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_497775]
42. T22B7.4 T22B7.4 99 0.952 - - - - - 0.952 - -
43. K07C6.4 cyp-35B1 555 0.95 - - - - - 0.950 - - CYtochrome P450 family [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504093]
44. C44B7.9 pmp-2 824 0.95 - - - - - 0.950 - - Peroxisomal Membrane Protein related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_495408]
45. F41C3.4 F41C3.4 8538 0.733 - -0.113 - -0.113 - 0.959 - - Probable Golgi transport protein 1 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q20263]

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Ebbing A, Vertesy A, Betist M, Spanjaard B, Junker JP, Berezikov E, van Oudenaarden A, Korswagen HC. Spatially-resolved transcriptomics of C. elegans males and hermaphrodites identifies novel fertility genes. Submitted.
Korswagen Lab - 2018 © Hubrecht Institute | Berezikov Lab - 2018 © ERIBA