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Results for W03F11.4

Gene ID Gene Name Reads Transcripts Annotation
W03F11.4 W03F11.4 3267 W03F11.4 Protein-tyrosine-phosphatase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_490945]

Genes with expression patterns similar to W03F11.4

Nr. Gene ID Gene Name Reads Σ scores herm1 herm2 herm3 herm4 male1 male2 male3 male4 Annotation
1. W03F11.4 W03F11.4 3267 4 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 - - - - Protein-tyrosine-phosphatase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_490945]
2. F33G12.7 F33G12.7 1897 3 0.911 0.545 0.999 0.545 - - - -
3. T25D3.4 T25D3.4 6343 2.789 0.961 0.422 0.984 0.422 - - - -
4. Y106G6A.4 Y106G6A.4 4411 2.396 0.253 0.962 0.219 0.962 - - - -
5. C08F11.13 C08F11.13 1017 2.338 0.996 0.171 1.000 0.171 - - - -
6. C17H12.5 C17H12.5 1653 2.25 0.058 0.973 0.246 0.973 - - - -
7. C10G8.8 C10G8.8 12723 2.222 0.790 0.230 0.972 0.230 - - - -
8. Y71H2B.2 Y71H2B.2 7536 2.189 0.368 0.412 0.997 0.412 - - - -
9. F22F7.1 ldp-1 16690 2.165 0.485 0.341 0.998 0.341 - - - - Lipid DroPlet localized protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_872194]
10. Y43B11AR.3 Y43B11AR.3 332 2.078 0.232 0.428 0.990 0.428 - - - -
11. Y57A10A.27 Y57A10A.27 2760 2.033 - 0.538 0.957 0.538 - - - -
12. F09E10.5 F09E10.5 0 1.99 0.992 - 0.998 - - - - -
13. C30G7.5 C30G7.5 0 1.986 0.987 - 0.999 - - - - -
14. Y52D5A.1 Y52D5A.1 0 1.98 0.984 - 0.996 - - - - -
15. F02E9.3 F02E9.3 3187 1.963 -0.001 0.964 0.036 0.964 - - - -
16. F40H6.1 F40H6.1 3743 1.944 - 0.972 - 0.972 - - - -
17. F16B3.3 F16B3.3 0 1.943 0.943 - 1.000 - - - - -
18. ZK39.6 clec-97 513 1.943 0.950 - 0.993 - - - - - C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_492870]
19. R08A2.1 R08A2.1 1630 1.926 0.045 0.969 -0.057 0.969 - - - -
20. R09E10.6 R09E10.6 7539 1.92 - 0.960 - 0.960 - - - -
21. C33F10.1 C33F10.1 5613 1.914 - 0.957 - 0.957 - - - -
22. Y59E9AL.2 Y59E9AL.2 6238 1.912 - 0.956 - 0.956 - - - -
23. R10E4.7 R10E4.7 2632 1.908 - 0.954 - 0.954 - - - -
24. F36D3.8 F36D3.8 1503 1.906 - 0.953 - 0.953 - - - -
25. ZK596.2 ZK596.2 2476 1.906 - 0.974 -0.042 0.974 - - - -
26. Y38C1AA.7 Y38C1AA.7 15803 1.906 - 0.953 - 0.953 - - - -
27. F21H7.5 F21H7.5 5583 1.906 - 0.953 - 0.953 - - - - Major sperm protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_507098]
28. C35B1.5 C35B1.5 40945 1.905 0.737 0.089 0.990 0.089 - - - -
29. F27C1.1 F27C1.1 5687 1.9 - 0.950 - 0.950 - - - -
30. F58D5.7 F58D5.7 4797 1.9 - 0.950 - 0.950 - - - -
31. Y47D3A.31 Y47D3A.31 3677 1.88 -0.011 0.955 -0.019 0.955 - - - -
32. F58D5.3 F58D5.3 0 1.876 0.916 - 0.960 - - - - -
33. F54C8.1 F54C8.1 2748 1.874 - 0.952 -0.030 0.952 - - - - Probable 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase F54C8.1 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P34439]
34. Y59E9AL.6 Y59E9AL.6 31166 1.864 -0.058 0.961 - 0.961 - - - -
35. C10G11.8 C10G11.8 6680 1.858 -0.043 0.975 -0.049 0.975 - - - -
36. T01C1.2 mbr-1 366 1.844 - 0.957 -0.070 0.957 - - - - honeybee MBlk-1 Related factor [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_509794]
37. Y51H7C.9 Y51H7C.9 1010 1.831 -0.071 0.951 - 0.951 - - - -
38. Y106G6E.1 Y106G6E.1 0 1.83 0.838 - 0.992 - - - - -
39. Y6E2A.10 Y6E2A.10 814 1.826 0.842 - 0.984 - - - - -
40. K05F1.3 acdh-8 4018 1.82 -0.065 0.970 -0.055 0.970 - - - - Acyl CoA DeHydrogenase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_495142]
41. F55C5.1 ssp-35 8038 1.812 -0.064 0.968 -0.060 0.968 - - - - Sperm Specific family, class P [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_506076]
42. Y25C1A.1 clec-123 2477 1.809 -0.073 0.973 -0.064 0.973 - - - - C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494450]
43. C28D4.5 C28D4.5 6669 1.808 -0.052 0.959 -0.058 0.959 - - - -
44. D1086.11 D1086.11 7589 1.804 0.385 0.229 0.961 0.229 - - - -
45. C35D10.11 msd-4 11413 1.804 -0.067 0.965 -0.059 0.965 - - - - Major Sperm protein Domain containing [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_498015]
46. F14F9.8 F14F9.8 0 1.804 0.849 - 0.955 - - - - -
47. C06A12.8 C06A12.8 257 1.799 0.811 - 0.988 - - - - -
48. F17E9.5 F17E9.5 17142 1.796 -0.067 0.961 -0.059 0.961 - - - -
49. K08C9.2 K08C9.2 5101 1.795 -0.057 0.950 -0.048 0.950 - - - -
50. F11G11.8 nspd-5 16952 1.795 -0.077 0.966 -0.060 0.966 - - - - Nematode Specific Peptide family, group D [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494871]
51. C28D4.7 C28D4.7 6749 1.795 -0.071 0.963 -0.060 0.963 - - - -
52. F44D12.5 msd-2 14828 1.792 -0.074 0.964 -0.062 0.964 - - - - Major Sperm protein Domain containing [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_501811]
53. F54F7.2 F54F7.2 844 1.789 -0.070 0.964 -0.069 0.964 - - - -
54. C35D10.2 gipc-1 9255 1.788 -0.084 0.963 -0.054 0.963 - - - - GIPC (RGS-GAIP Interacting Protein C) homolog [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_498017]
55. F31E8.5 F31E8.5 3223 1.781 -0.092 0.970 -0.067 0.970 - - - -
56. K05F1.2 msp-142 12866 1.779 -0.071 0.955 -0.060 0.955 - - - - Major sperm protein 19/31/40/45/50/51/53/59/61/65/81/113/142 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P53017]
57. T13F2.9 T13F2.9 22593 1.777 -0.051 0.962 -0.096 0.962 - - - -
58. F32B6.5 sss-1 21943 1.776 -0.077 0.957 -0.061 0.957 - - - - Sperm-Specific family, class S [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_501780]
59. T01E8.9 ubxn-5 2869 1.768 -0.082 0.957 -0.064 0.957 - - - - UBX-containing protein in Nematodes [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001022300]
60. ZK546.6 msp-152 19160 1.766 -0.081 0.953 -0.059 0.953 - - - - Major sperm protein 152 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q23519]
61. ZK484.8 nspd-1 28096 1.766 -0.074 0.950 -0.060 0.950 - - - - Nematode Specific Peptide family, group D [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_491759]
62. F09A5.9 ttr-34 1957 1.732 0.747 0.011 0.963 0.011 - - - - TransThyretin-Related family domain [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001123125]
63. C46C2.6 C46C2.6 0 1.73 0.732 - 0.998 - - - - -
64. Y45F10C.4 Y45F10C.4 5425 1.726 0.994 -0.134 1.000 -0.134 - - - - UPF0375 protein Y45F10C.4 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:O45944]
65. H01G02.3 H01G02.3 0 1.701 0.714 - 0.987 - - - - -
66. F14B8.3 pes-23 296 1.666 0.872 -0.090 0.974 -0.090 - - - - Patterned Expression Site [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_509167]
67. D1086.8 D1086.8 1474 1.66 0.661 - 0.999 - - - - -
68. C08F11.12 C08F11.12 687 1.653 0.668 - 0.985 - - - - - UPF0375 protein C08F11.12 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q9U3R0]
69. Y17G7B.1 acbp-6 810 1.531 0.665 -0.066 0.998 -0.066 - - - - Acyl-Coenzyme A Binding Protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_496552]
70. T11F9.6 nas-22 161 1.51 0.519 - 0.991 - - - - - Zinc metalloproteinase nas-22 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q22398]
71. F23F1.7 F23F1.7 1264 1.497 0.513 - 0.984 - - - - -
72. K08A8.2 sox-2 2247 1.492 0.768 -0.128 0.980 -0.128 - - - - SOX (mammalian SRY box) family [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_741836]
73. F59C12.4 F59C12.4 0 1.486 0.490 - 0.996 - - - - -
74. Y22D7AR.12 Y22D7AR.12 313 1.467 0.498 - 0.969 - - - - -
75. T11F9.3 nas-20 2052 1.445 0.655 -0.097 0.984 -0.097 - - - - Zinc metalloproteinase nas-20 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q22396]
76. C54F6.13 nhx-3 252 1.417 0.437 - 0.980 - - - - - Probable Na(+)/H(+) antiporter nhx-3 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:O16452]
77. T12B5.15 T12B5.15 735 1.395 0.687 -0.121 0.950 -0.121 - - - -
78. C06G8.2 pept-2 1126 1.377 0.560 -0.088 0.993 -0.088 - - - - Peptide transporter family 2 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q17758]
79. F17H10.4 F17H10.4 0 1.357 0.361 - 0.996 - - - - -
80. C10A4.6 C10A4.6 0 1.298 0.299 - 0.999 - - - - -
81. JC8.14 ttr-45 6335 1.179 0.290 -0.040 0.969 -0.040 - - - - TransThyretin-Related family domain [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001040959]
82. F18G5.2 pes-8 587 1.164 0.111 0.035 0.983 0.035 - - - - Patterned Expression Site [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_509558]
83. K03H1.3 ttr-3 1414 1.114 0.148 - 0.966 - - - - - Transthyretin-like protein 3 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P34499]
84. F40F12.1 ttr-4 1337 1.065 0.105 - 0.960 - - - - -
85. C31H2.1 tbc-7 2962 1.009 0.174 -0.064 0.963 -0.064 - - - - TBC (Tre-2/Bub2/Cdc16) domain family [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_741778]
86. Y105C5B.6 srv-15 195 0.996 - - 0.996 - - - - - Serpentine Receptor, class V [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001041011]
87. Y25C1A.11 srg-23 272 0.996 - - 0.996 - - - - - Serpentine receptor class gamma [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494444]
88. Y71H2AM.22 twk-45 24 0.989 - - 0.989 - - - - - TWiK family of potassium channels [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001122742]
89. F35H12.7 F35H12.7 0 0.985 - - 0.985 - - - - -
90. F19H6.2 glb-13 581 0.954 - - 0.954 - - - - - GLoBin related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_510079]
91. T13C5.1 daf-9 184 0.82 - -0.077 0.974 -0.077 - - - - Cytochrome P450 daf-9 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:H2KYS3]

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Ebbing A, Vertesy A, Betist M, Spanjaard B, Junker JP, Berezikov E, van Oudenaarden A, Korswagen HC. Spatially-resolved transcriptomics of C. elegans males and hermaphrodites identifies novel fertility genes. Submitted.
Korswagen Lab - 2018 © Hubrecht Institute | Berezikov Lab - 2018 © ERIBA