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Results for T25B9.10

Gene ID Gene Name Reads Transcripts Annotation
T25B9.10 inpp-1 911 T25B9.10a, T25B9.10b, T25B9.10c INositol Polyphosphate-5-Phosphatase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001255510]

Genes with expression patterns similar to T25B9.10

Nr. Gene ID Gene Name Reads Σ scores herm1 herm2 herm3 herm4 male1 male2 male3 male4 Annotation
1. T25B9.10 inpp-1 911 4 - - - - 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 INositol Polyphosphate-5-Phosphatase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001255510]
2. F35D11.8 clec-137 14336 3.898 - - - - 0.992 0.984 0.929 0.993 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494814]
3. C49C3.12 clec-197 16305 3.893 - - - - 0.991 0.983 0.925 0.994 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_503090]
4. ZK39.2 clec-95 7675 3.889 - - - - 0.991 0.985 0.917 0.996 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_492868]
5. F49F1.12 F49F1.12 694 3.884 - - - - 0.992 0.975 0.921 0.996
6. C44B12.6 C44B12.6 0 3.884 - - - - 0.992 0.982 0.915 0.995
7. H14A12.6 fipr-20 11663 3.872 - - - - 0.989 0.982 0.903 0.998 FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001033366]
8. H14A12.7 fipr-18 15150 3.871 - - - - 0.992 0.985 0.900 0.994 FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001033367]
9. EEED8.11 clec-141 1556 3.871 - - - - 0.992 0.953 0.931 0.995 C-type lectin domain-containing protein 141 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q09300]
10. C06E1.6 fipr-16 20174 3.87 - - - - 0.991 0.946 0.935 0.998 Fungus-induced-related protein 16 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P34301]
11. C49C3.15 C49C3.15 0 3.865 - - - - 0.990 0.974 0.905 0.996
12. W09G12.10 W09G12.10 0 3.859 - - - - 0.992 0.944 0.927 0.996
13. W02D7.10 clec-219 17401 3.846 - - - - 0.992 0.937 0.922 0.995 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_505148]
14. Y46G5A.28 Y46G5A.28 0 3.843 - - - - 0.991 0.914 0.940 0.998
15. F35D11.7 clec-136 7941 3.836 - - - - 0.991 0.948 0.902 0.995 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494813]
16. C48B4.13 C48B4.13 0 3.832 - - - - 0.990 0.899 0.946 0.997
17. F36F12.6 clec-208 15177 3.829 - - - - 0.990 0.905 0.940 0.994 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_503569]
18. Y69F12A.3 fipr-19 9455 3.826 - - - - 0.991 0.983 0.856 0.996 FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001033380]
19. C50F4.3 tag-329 15453 3.822 - - - - 0.991 0.950 0.889 0.992
20. F59B2.13 F59B2.13 0 3.821 - - - - 0.990 0.919 0.917 0.995 Putative G-protein coupled receptor F59B2.13 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P34488]
21. Y48A6B.4 fipr-17 21085 3.82 - - - - 0.989 0.934 0.899 0.998 FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_499414]
22. C16A11.8 clec-135 4456 3.819 - - - - 0.993 0.925 0.905 0.996 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494750]
23. Y105E8A.34 Y105E8A.34 0 3.819 - - - - 0.990 0.985 0.848 0.996
24. Y69H2.7 Y69H2.7 3565 3.809 - - - - 0.985 0.871 0.961 0.992
25. T12A7.3 scl-18 617 3.801 - - - - 0.990 0.890 0.927 0.994 SCP-Like extracellular protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_502228]
26. Y51A2D.13 Y51A2D.13 980 3.79 - - - - 0.992 0.902 0.900 0.996
27. F59B10.2 F59B10.2 0 3.79 - - - - 0.961 0.938 0.903 0.988
28. F17B5.3 clec-109 1312 3.783 - - - - 0.993 0.875 0.916 0.999 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001252096]
29. M7.10 M7.10 2695 3.775 - - - - 0.992 0.900 0.890 0.993
30. C17F4.1 clec-124 798 3.774 - - - - 0.978 0.924 0.877 0.995 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494490]
31. Y44E3B.2 tyr-5 2358 3.764 - - - - 0.990 0.930 0.852 0.992 TYRosinase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_491131]
32. F58A4.5 clec-161 3630 3.756 - - - - 0.990 0.930 0.842 0.994 C-type lectin domain-containing protein 161 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P34472]
33. C05C10.1 pho-10 4227 3.756 - - - - 0.992 0.860 0.936 0.968 Putative acid phosphatase 10 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q09448]
34. ZC513.12 sth-1 657 3.752 - - - - 0.982 0.986 0.786 0.998 SpermaTHecal expression [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_741574]
35. T26E3.1 clec-103 4837 3.73 - - - - 0.992 0.867 0.876 0.995 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_493210]
36. T23G5.2 T23G5.2 11700 3.729 - - - - 0.992 0.972 0.773 0.992 CRAL-TRIO domain-containing protein T23G5.2 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q03606]
37. F56C3.9 F56C3.9 137 3.718 - - - - 0.971 0.930 0.840 0.977
38. F35D11.9 clec-138 5234 3.717 - - - - 0.992 0.793 0.935 0.997 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494815]
39. F28C12.6 F28C12.6 0 3.699 - - - - 0.949 0.918 0.862 0.970
40. T05A10.2 clc-4 4442 3.692 - - - - 0.989 0.820 0.926 0.957 CLaudin-like in Caenorhabditis [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_509800]
41. ZK39.8 clec-99 8501 3.687 - - - - 0.991 0.773 0.927 0.996 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_492872]
42. F09E10.5 F09E10.5 0 3.684 - - - - 0.977 0.893 0.832 0.982
43. W10C6.2 W10C6.2 0 3.684 - - - - 0.991 0.829 0.884 0.980
44. C08C3.3 mab-5 726 3.676 - - - - 0.953 0.894 0.925 0.904 Homeobox protein mab-5 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P10038]
45. Y43B11AR.3 Y43B11AR.3 332 3.668 - - - - 0.986 0.821 0.867 0.994
46. Y52B11A.5 clec-92 14055 3.668 - - - - 0.992 0.755 0.927 0.994 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_492857]
47. F07G11.1 F07G11.1 0 3.668 - - - - 0.988 0.845 0.846 0.989
48. Y41C4A.12 Y41C4A.12 98 3.656 - - - - 0.951 0.833 0.931 0.941
49. ZC15.6 clec-261 4279 3.637 - - - - 0.992 0.970 0.684 0.991 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_507913]
50. F17B5.5 clec-110 600 3.633 - - - - 0.990 0.737 0.912 0.994 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_493312]
51. F31E8.2 snt-1 5228 3.631 - - - - 0.919 0.870 0.879 0.963 Synaptotagmin-1 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P34693]
52. Y59H11AR.5 clec-181 2102 3.624 - - - - 0.991 0.727 0.914 0.992 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001033456]
53. Y41D4B.16 hpo-6 1877 3.621 - - - - 0.987 0.923 0.902 0.809
54. W09G10.6 clec-125 5029 3.604 - - - - 0.992 0.671 0.944 0.997 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494566]
55. F21H7.4 clec-233 4011 3.6 - - - - 0.992 0.714 0.901 0.993 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_507097]
56. C18A3.6 rab-3 7110 3.597 - - - - 0.892 0.818 0.917 0.970 Ras-related protein Rab-3 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q94986]
57. C06E1.5 fip-3 14295 3.591 - - - - 0.991 0.657 0.946 0.997 Fungus-induced protein 3 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P34300]
58. F26A1.12 clec-157 3546 3.588 - - - - 0.991 0.690 0.913 0.994 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_498002]
59. F58A4.2 F58A4.2 6267 3.586 - - - - 0.989 0.863 0.747 0.987
60. F46A8.5 F46A8.5 2356 3.586 - - - - 0.987 0.756 0.845 0.998 Galectin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_492883]
61. C34D4.1 C34D4.1 0 3.585 - - - - 0.801 0.909 0.889 0.986
62. C35B8.3 C35B8.3 289 3.583 - - - - 0.991 0.678 0.922 0.992
63. F36F12.5 clec-207 11070 3.574 - - - - 0.991 0.932 0.662 0.989 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_503568]
64. Y19D2B.1 Y19D2B.1 3209 3.574 - - - - 0.982 0.913 0.716 0.963
65. ZK39.3 clec-94 9181 3.57 - - - - 0.990 0.639 0.943 0.998 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_492867]
66. Y75B8A.2 nob-1 2750 3.568 - - - - 0.895 0.907 0.814 0.952 kNOB-like posterior (NO Backside) [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_499575]
67. C50F2.9 abf-1 2693 3.553 - - - - 0.992 0.710 0.856 0.995 Antibacterial factor-related peptide 1 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:G5EGC4]
68. Y50E8A.16 haf-7 825 3.54 - - - - 0.835 0.843 0.891 0.971 HAlF transporter (PGP related) [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_506645]
69. F46A8.6 F46A8.6 594 3.523 - - - - 0.991 0.869 0.673 0.990
70. F20A1.8 F20A1.8 1911 3.511 - - - - 0.865 0.881 0.799 0.966
71. Y41C4A.5 pqn-84 8090 3.464 - - - - 0.892 0.653 0.927 0.992 Galectin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_499514]
72. W03D2.5 wrt-5 1806 3.46 - - - - 0.864 0.884 0.742 0.970 Warthog protein 5 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q9U7D3]
73. K08F8.4 pah-1 5114 3.454 - - - - 0.675 0.885 0.927 0.967 Probable phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase 1 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P90925]
74. Y116A8A.3 clec-193 501 3.432 - - - - 0.987 0.827 0.628 0.990 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_502991]
75. Y45F10B.2 Y45F10B.2 94 3.419 - - - - 0.847 0.723 0.877 0.972
76. F07C3.7 aat-2 1960 3.38 - - - - 0.704 0.886 0.800 0.990 Amino Acid Transporter [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_505394]
77. B0035.15 B0035.15 3203 3.378 - - - - 0.972 0.931 0.837 0.638
78. F49F1.10 F49F1.10 0 3.356 - - - - 0.967 0.859 0.545 0.985 Galectin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_500491]
79. H03A11.2 H03A11.2 197 3.355 - - - - 0.692 0.785 0.901 0.977
80. K09E9.2 erv-46 1593 3.344 - - - - 0.710 0.822 0.847 0.965 yeast ERV (ER to Golgi transport Vesicle protein) homolog [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_510575]
81. F15G9.6 F15G9.6 0 3.328 - - - - 0.920 0.824 0.617 0.967
82. Y60A3A.23 Y60A3A.23 0 3.307 - - - - 0.717 0.757 0.847 0.986
83. Y37E11AR.1 best-20 1404 3.285 - - - - 0.908 0.865 0.539 0.973 BESTrophin (chloride channel) homolog [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_500411]
84. F07C6.3 F07C6.3 54 3.178 - - - - 0.950 0.890 0.435 0.903
85. W10G6.3 mua-6 8806 3.139 - - - - 0.470 0.824 0.879 0.966 Intermediate filament protein ifa-2 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:O02365]
86. K08C9.7 K08C9.7 0 3.118 - - - - 0.973 0.799 0.398 0.948
87. C09B8.6 hsp-25 44939 3.058 - - - - 0.481 0.760 0.823 0.994 Heat Shock Protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001024374]
88. Y39E4B.12 gly-5 13353 3.049 - - - - 0.493 0.816 0.758 0.982 Polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 5 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q95ZJ1]
89. Y38E10A.26 nspe-2 3419 3.045 - - - - 0.724 0.801 0.566 0.954 Nematode Specific Peptide family, group E [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001022426]
90. F44A6.5 F44A6.5 424 3.028 - - - - 0.579 0.798 0.697 0.954
91. D1022.3 D1022.3 0 2.985 - - - - 0.991 0.953 0.625 0.416
92. K08E7.10 K08E7.10 0 2.979 - - - - 0.975 0.810 0.312 0.882
93. Y46E12A.2 Y46E12A.2 0 2.934 - - - - 0.992 - 0.945 0.997
94. F43G6.10 F43G6.10 987 2.912 - - - - 0.510 0.702 0.726 0.974
95. F11C7.7 F11C7.7 0 2.906 - - - - 0.962 0.987 0.524 0.433
96. F13E6.2 F13E6.2 0 2.898 - - - - 0.418 0.748 0.773 0.959
97. C04H5.2 clec-147 3283 2.889 - - - - 0.703 0.871 0.333 0.982 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_497022]
98. R09F10.4 inx-5 7528 2.879 - - - - 0.408 0.764 0.751 0.956 Innexin-5 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q23027]
99. ZK39.4 clec-93 215 2.875 - - - - 0.988 - 0.900 0.987 C-type LECtin [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_492866]
100. F47D12.6 F47D12.6 1963 2.863 - - - - 0.548 0.647 0.678 0.990

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Ebbing A, Vertesy A, Betist M, Spanjaard B, Junker JP, Berezikov E, van Oudenaarden A, Korswagen HC. Spatially-resolved transcriptomics of C. elegans males and hermaphrodites identifies novel fertility genes. Submitted.
Korswagen Lab - 2018 © Hubrecht Institute | Berezikov Lab - 2018 © ERIBA