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Results for K02F3.3

Gene ID Gene Name Reads Transcripts Annotation
K02F3.3 far-8 12173 K02F3.3 Fatty Acid/Retinol binding protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_497273]

Genes with expression patterns similar to K02F3.3

Nr. Gene ID Gene Name Reads Σ scores herm1 herm2 herm3 herm4 male1 male2 male3 male4 Annotation
1. K02F3.3 far-8 12173 8 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Fatty Acid/Retinol binding protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_497273]
2. F59A7.5 F59A7.5 2171 6.925 0.981 0.940 0.689 0.940 0.945 0.997 0.499 0.934
3. F49E11.11 scl-3 3726 6.768 0.913 0.965 0.635 0.965 0.937 0.997 0.471 0.885 SCP-Like extracellular protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_502504]
4. F11C7.3 vap-1 3285 6.597 0.994 0.979 0.711 0.979 0.945 0.999 - 0.990 Venom-Allergen-like Protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_741951]
5. C33G8.13 C33G8.13 0 5.683 0.996 - 0.927 - 0.955 0.998 0.976 0.831
6. T20G5.7 dod-6 58707 5.666 0.574 0.840 0.382 0.840 0.900 0.983 0.235 0.912 Downstream Of DAF-16 (regulated by DAF-16) [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_499257]
7. R06F6.11 tag-209 3652 5.632 0.989 - 0.902 - 0.992 0.998 0.837 0.914 Putative protein tag-209 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q09418]
8. F40F8.5 F40F8.5 1849 5.612 0.998 -0.009 0.924 -0.009 0.974 0.997 0.769 0.968
9. T02B11.4 T02B11.4 1564 5.58 0.999 - 0.938 - 0.979 0.999 0.681 0.984
10. Y69A2AR.23 Y69A2AR.23 859 5.536 0.992 - 0.832 - 0.954 0.997 0.905 0.856
11. F23B2.5 flp-1 11164 5.462 0.088 0.957 0.691 0.957 0.886 0.426 0.740 0.717 FMRFamide-like neuropeptides 1 PNFMRY-amide AGSDPNFLRF-amide SQPNFLRF-amide ASGDPNFLRF-amide SDPNFLRF-amide AAADPNFLRF-amide SADPNFLRF-amide PNFLRF-amide [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:P41855]
12. ZK822.5 ZK822.5 1666 5.364 0.995 - 0.957 - 0.823 0.994 0.719 0.876
13. T27E4.4 fip-2 27167 5.361 0.061 0.936 0.697 0.936 0.882 0.988 0.127 0.734 Fungus-Induced Protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_505350]
14. F08D12.3 F08D12.3 3040 5.357 0.062 0.941 0.691 0.941 0.886 0.988 0.122 0.726
15. T19H12.6 T19H12.6 0 5.313 0.994 - 0.978 - 0.952 0.999 0.495 0.895
16. F42F12.1 nspc-9 12944 4.746 -0.003 0.953 0.683 0.953 0.338 0.349 0.725 0.748 Nematode Specific Peptide family, group C [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_510070]
17. F53F4.14 F53F4.14 2880 4.578 0.997 -0.188 0.906 -0.188 0.978 0.999 0.364 0.710
18. C45G9.7 C45G9.7 191 4.482 0.136 - 0.705 - 0.908 0.991 0.806 0.936
19. Y54G2A.11 Y54G2A.11 7356 4.455 0.993 -0.053 0.965 -0.053 0.849 0.996 - 0.758
20. W03D2.1 pqn-75 1653 4.454 0.058 0.963 0.463 0.963 0.888 0.993 0.126 - Prion-like-(Q/N-rich)-domain-bearing protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_741365]
21. T11F9.1 T11F9.1 0 4.447 0.956 - 0.872 - 0.971 0.998 - 0.650
22. K02E11.6 K02E11.6 1161 4.419 1.000 - 0.718 - 0.980 0.997 0.098 0.626
23. F23H12.8 fipr-1 6157 4.253 0.278 0.360 0.477 0.360 0.923 0.991 - 0.864 FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_872151]
24. F20A1.2 F20A1.2 0 4.244 0.998 - 0.942 - 0.961 0.993 0.171 0.179
25. F42F12.2 zig-2 1967 4.234 - 0.956 0.689 0.956 0.895 - 0.738 - 2 (Zwei) IG domain protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_510069]
26. H23N18.3 ugt-8 5221 4.115 0.013 0.601 0.670 0.601 0.845 0.985 0.297 0.103 UDP-GlucuronosylTransferase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504315]
27. T05B4.3 phat-4 5702 4.113 0.376 0.734 0.360 0.734 0.915 0.994 - - PHAryngeal gland Toxin-related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504152]
28. Y116F11B.1 daf-28 5856 4.105 0.996 0.091 0.386 0.091 0.959 0.698 0.386 0.498
29. C14F5.3 tnt-3 25228 4.047 0.017 0.509 0.472 0.509 0.875 0.954 0.238 0.473 TropoNin T [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_509337]
30. C49G7.6 C49G7.6 0 4.033 0.529 - 0.360 - 0.945 0.994 0.234 0.971
31. F56F3.6 ins-17 9743 4.032 0.811 0.371 0.748 0.371 0.313 0.966 0.264 0.188 INSulin related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_497911]
32. F35B12.9 F35B12.9 4607 4 - 0.996 - 0.996 0.705 0.988 0.315 -
33. M79.4 flp-19 5866 3.959 0.926 0.215 0.466 0.215 0.787 0.963 0.347 0.040 FMRFamide-like neuropeptides 19 WANQVRF-amide [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q9XVX1]
34. F33A8.2 nlp-18 26639 3.922 0.999 0.296 0.668 0.296 0.539 0.429 0.382 0.313 Neuropeptide-Like Protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_496365]
35. K09D9.1 K09D9.1 124 3.92 0.972 - - - 0.981 0.999 - 0.968
36. C49G7.4 phat-3 1614 3.883 - 0.785 0.368 0.785 0.953 0.992 - - PHAryngeal gland Toxin-related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504129]
37. F35B12.10 F35B12.10 2343 3.873 0.995 -0.143 0.866 -0.143 0.993 0.998 0.061 0.246
38. F23D12.6 fipr-3 4143 3.803 0.126 0.541 0.719 0.541 0.891 0.985 - - FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_872256]
39. C36H8.3 flp-9 14756 3.774 0.952 0.287 0.625 0.287 0.190 0.857 0.359 0.217 FMRFamide-like neuropeptides 9 KPSFVRF-amide 1 KPSFVRF-amide 2 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q18502]
40. C12D8.18 fipr-5 1988 3.659 0.179 0.271 0.428 0.271 0.893 0.989 - 0.628 FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001023654]
41. F15A4.10 F15A4.10 354 3.652 0.468 -0.142 0.341 -0.142 0.926 0.994 0.238 0.969
42. T22D1.1 T22D1.1 0 3.484 0.304 - 0.460 - 0.832 0.968 0.393 0.527
43. C02F12.3 snet-1 7519 3.466 0.974 0.283 0.755 0.283 0.233 0.191 0.499 0.248
44. ZC334.2 ins-30 5202 3.434 0.988 0.157 0.393 0.157 0.354 0.784 0.115 0.486 INSulin related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_493444]
45. T20G5.9 T20G5.9 2305 3.393 0.265 -0.170 0.409 -0.170 0.934 0.989 0.225 0.911
46. C54D10.4 C54D10.4 742 3.356 0.062 - 0.691 - 0.889 0.989 - 0.725
47. R05A10.3 R05A10.3 116 3.314 0.994 - 0.922 - - 0.995 0.193 0.210
48. Y8A9A.3 Y8A9A.3 0 3.283 0.228 - 0.398 - 0.898 0.992 - 0.767
49. ZC334.9 ins-28 1778 3.242 - 0.244 0.260 0.244 0.922 0.989 0.583 - INSulin related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001021850]
50. ZC21.6 ZC21.6 0 3.179 0.093 - 0.421 - 0.873 0.953 0.369 0.470
51. C11E4.1 gpx-5 7024 3.153 0.046 0.235 0.469 0.235 0.848 0.969 0.335 0.016 Glutathione peroxidase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_509615]
52. ZK177.11 ZK177.11 0 3.152 0.962 - - - 0.889 0.991 0.008 0.302
53. Y80D3A.10 nlp-42 4246 3.116 - 0.245 0.341 0.245 0.712 0.992 0.233 0.348 Neuropeptide-Like Protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_507687]
54. T16D1.2 pho-4 2028 3.095 -0.037 0.375 0.662 0.375 0.229 0.954 0.463 0.074 intestinal acid PHOsphatase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_494984]
55. T02B11.6 T02B11.6 0 3.085 - - - - 0.979 0.998 0.177 0.931
56. ZC116.3 ZC116.3 0 3.035 0.015 - 0.540 - 0.804 0.972 0.083 0.621 Probable cubilin [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q20911]
57. R13D11.1 R13D11.1 0 2.986 1.000 - - - 0.986 1.000 - -
58. K02E11.5 K02E11.5 1995 2.946 0.996 - - - 0.952 0.998 - -
59. F52E1.3 F52E1.3 0 2.88 - - - - 0.925 0.997 - 0.958
60. M04G7.2 M04G7.2 355 2.869 0.321 - 0.432 - 0.908 0.995 0.213 - Protein-tyrosine-phosphatase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_499934]
61. C03G5.11 nspc-4 9496 2.861 0.021 0.954 0.682 0.954 0.250 - - - Nematode Specific Peptide family, group C [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001024348]
62. K02E11.7 K02E11.7 365 2.855 - - - - 0.985 0.999 - 0.871
63. C12D8.19 fipr-9 551 2.824 - 0.247 0.457 0.247 0.885 0.988 - - FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001023655]
64. R102.3 R102.3 280 2.745 0.996 - 0.641 - 0.376 0.387 0.141 0.204
65. Y67H2A.2 Y67H2A.2 3483 2.694 - -0.177 - -0.177 0.971 0.999 0.256 0.822
66. Y73B6BL.36 Y73B6BL.36 0 2.656 0.991 - 0.395 - 0.923 0.139 0.093 0.115
67. C10C6.3 C10C6.3 414 2.642 0.984 - 0.668 - 0.088 0.086 0.678 0.138
68. T03E6.2 T03E6.2 0 2.625 - - 0.748 - 0.889 0.988 - -
69. F08D12.4 F08D12.4 0 2.617 0.061 - 0.682 - 0.886 0.988 - -
70. Y110A2AL.10 Y110A2AL.10 0 2.567 - - 0.691 - 0.889 0.987 - -
71. Y110A2AL.4 Y110A2AL.4 0 2.553 - - 0.683 - 0.882 0.988 - -
72. ZK596.2 ZK596.2 2476 2.537 - -0.084 0.772 -0.084 0.894 0.989 -0.003 0.053
73. Y9C2UA.2 Y9C2UA.2 0 2.531 0.964 - 0.615 - 0.342 0.237 - 0.373
74. C50H2.12 fipr-10 6394 2.518 0.168 - 0.428 - 0.863 0.985 0.074 - FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001023726]
75. C05E11.8 flp-12 7392 2.511 0.539 0.231 0.253 0.231 0.232 0.994 -0.024 0.055 FMRF-Like Peptide [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_508789]
76. C50H2.10 fipr-11 3323 2.51 0.213 - 0.397 - 0.914 0.986 - - FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_741606]
77. C12D8.16 fipr-7 2949 2.49 0.102 0.466 0.483 0.466 - 0.973 - - FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001023652]
78. T28B8.2 ins-18 2410 2.44 - - 0.657 - 0.964 0.852 -0.022 -0.011 INSulin related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_492231]
79. R05G9.2 twk-49 807 2.4 - 0.315 0.493 0.315 - 0.951 - 0.326 TWiK family of potassium channels [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001022267]
80. C01A2.7 nlp-38 3099 2.363 - 0.272 0.722 0.272 0.122 0.986 0.050 -0.061 Neuropeptide-Like Protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001252155]
81. R03A10.2 flp-32 3241 2.332 - - 0.241 - 0.859 0.960 0.118 0.154 FMRF-Like Peptide [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_510551]
82. R06F6.8 R06F6.8 3035 2.317 - -0.154 0.353 -0.154 0.949 0.995 0.178 0.150 Guanine nucleotide exchange factor subunit R06F6.8 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q09417]
83. R06F6.6 ceh-62 1148 2.275 - - 0.378 - 0.903 0.994 - - Homeobox protein ceh-62 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:Q09602]
84. C39E9.4 scl-6 1173 2.232 - - 0.341 - 0.897 0.994 - - SCP-Like extracellular protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_502508]
85. F57A8.8 fipr-13 1456 2.218 0.005 0.006 0.332 0.006 0.881 0.988 - - FIP (Fungus-Induced Protein) Related [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_001023988]
86. Y51A2D.11 ttr-26 5055 2.217 0.341 - - - 0.872 0.964 0.016 0.024 TransThyretin-Related family domain [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_507630]
87. Y42H9AR.1 Y42H9AR.1 5838 2.14 0.566 -0.175 - -0.175 0.588 0.953 - 0.383
88. F09G2.6 ugt-36 446 2.067 - - - - 0.811 0.958 0.298 - UDP-GlucuronosylTransferase [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_504820]
89. C39D10.3 C39D10.3 0 2.019 0.991 - - - 0.664 0.372 -0.017 0.009
90. K02E11.4 K02E11.4 723 1.991 0.996 - - - - 0.995 - -
91. F59A7.2 F59A7.2 4401 1.978 - 0.989 - 0.989 - - - -
92. C08F11.2 C08F11.2 0 1.967 - - - - 0.968 0.999 - -
93. T02B11.3 T02B11.3 10435 1.954 - 0.977 - 0.977 - - - -
94. R05A10.2 R05A10.2 2708 1.946 - 0.973 - 0.973 - - - -
95. C39E9.2 scl-5 460 1.923 - - - - 0.915 0.986 - 0.022 SCP-Like extracellular protein [Source:RefSeq peptide;Acc:NP_502506]
96. T05A8.3 T05A8.3 12951 1.922 - 0.961 - 0.961 - - - -
97. F20A1.1 F20A1.1 30993 1.914 - 0.957 - 0.957 - - - -
98. H05L03.3 H05L03.3 31233 1.914 - 0.957 - 0.957 - - - -
99. F14H12.6 F14H12.6 970 1.903 - - - - 0.916 0.987 - -
100. Y75B8A.13 Y75B8A.13 1320 1.901 0.061 -0.176 0.334 -0.176 0.893 0.988 0.004 -0.027

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Ebbing A, Vertesy A, Betist M, Spanjaard B, Junker JP, Berezikov E, van Oudenaarden A, Korswagen HC. Spatially-resolved transcriptomics of C. elegans males and hermaphrodites identifies novel fertility genes. Submitted.
Korswagen Lab - 2018 © Hubrecht Institute | Berezikov Lab - 2018 © ERIBA